lördag 17 april 2021

🍭 Allsorts - A/G with ribbon option

   This week at 🍭 Allsorts the theme is Anything goes with a ribbon option. I made a corset using a template that's really easy to follow. Filling it with chocolate it makes a perfect gift.

Sponsor this week:

Crafty Ribbons is a ribbon emporium, we are passionate about ribbons and want to share our fantastic ribbons with others. Our range of Christmas ribbons is second to none. Remember when we only used ribbons to add a bow to our hair, or tie up a birthday parcel ? Ribbons are now a "must-have" for all types of craft. Whether your project requires satin, sheer, silk, grosgrain, gingham or polka dot ribbon we have them all! Lots and lots of different colours in a range of widths. Need a little bit of ribbon inspiration - then have a look at our projects on our blog,or visit our Inspiration blog, or maybe join in with us at our Challenge blog. Go on, have a look... It's worth it !

6 kommentarer:

Mervi sa...

Fabulous and feminine gift;-))m

Linby sa...

wow! This is amazing, I just love it.

Ellibelle sa...

What a perfect way to use the ribbon and this is just so beautifully done!

brenda sa...

A feminine creation and with chocolate, a real bonus.

B x

Kathleen sa...

What a great idea, it looks stunning.

Kath x

Wendy L sa...

This looks amazing Helene. Xxx