onsdag 13 mars 2024

ABC Christmas - E, F and G

 It's time for a new challenge at ABC Christmas, and it's E for embossing, F for faux and G for gingerbread. Lots to choose from!

I chose G for gingerbread and made this gift tag. 

Coloured with pencils and a little faux snow on the santa hat. 

4 kommentarer:

Dotty Jo sa...

So sweet! Jo x

Inkyfingers sa...

This is just adorable, Helene! Beautiful colouring too.
Carol x

Fabiola sa...

c'est trop mignon Helen, pain d'épice et boisson chaude, le combo parfait, biz

Helen sa...

Such a cute tag - what a cheerful gingerbread chappy!
Helen x