What's on your Workdesk Wednesday-day today and up until now there has been very neat and tidy pictures of my work space and well thought through posts. Today the myth of Mummylade the tidy crafter is no more.
My desk also goes BOOM on occasions =)

64 kommentarer:
Hi ya
oh lovely creative desk, nice stamp, is that a G&T in the glass! lol,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x
Wow, you have lots of stuff on that desk I've never seen. Would love to know what the colors go to in the back of your desk. Love those punches. Would also like to know what that round thing is that has what looks like "Biltema" on the inside. Happy WOYWW.
Looks like you've been having fun to me :D. TFS!
Oh boy...if you think that's untidy you should visit me some days!! I often look like an explosion in an ink factory!!!
That my friend is organised chaos not a mess - you need to work on stacking upwards so that when you pull something out from the middle it cascades down - then it is officially a mess ;)
This is still quite a tidy, busy desk though! Have a great Wednesday.
Lots of great things on the desk. What will you do with what looks like packing tape?
Very interseting snoop, thanks.
Have a great day.
Sue xx
Still doesn't look too bad to me!
Have a great day!
ha,ha, you'll have to do better than than if you want to convince us ;-)! i love that piece of paper on the side with the orange and blue prints. did you make it or ready made? happy WOYWW from #20
Great desk. S #33
Hehehe thats not's just a desk in action and what fun you appear to be having :-)
A x
Nice and creative desk you have. I like the magnolia stamped image you have.
Elaine no38
Aaw - that's only a little "boom". Thanks for sharing. #44
great desk shot, love the light and all your stash :)
Still looks like a pretty clean desk to me... TFS
Lorraine #67
Thanks for showing us the "boom" desk. You are definately not alone in that! Happy WOYWW xx
Hi Helene, that's not a messy desk just a creative one LOL. Love the look of some of your stamps on your desk. Have a good day, Tracy Evans (18).
Oohh, nice load of stamps there and I love those (hat-pins??) in the corner.
Rebecca # 61
Great desk this week Helene and Boom is a good thing :0)
Love those papers and MS punches
Sarah #5
Love your desk.....looks like you are busy....Enjoy # 85
He, he sometimes a boom just has to happen doesn't it??? Still I love your "messy" (not really) desk!
I like the fact that your desk goes 'Boom' too! I can now look at your 'tidy' pics and not feel too guilty!!!
Carol x
I love a desk that goes BOOM occasionally - much more fun than a quiet one!!
Short, sweet, succinct and to the point, eh? Happy WOYWW!
Lovely things going on on your desk. Have a good day
Not bad though - still looks organised!
loving the creativity!
Thanks for sharing & enjoy your week
Hugs Candace #86
Oh I think that is not a mess compared to my desk! Sometimes i have to balance whatever I'm painting on my lap because I don't have space on my desk! Patsy from
Love the desk. What is that yoiu have your stickles stored in? xx
It looks as if that photo was taken when you were right in the midst of creating
Oh Mummylade, if only my desk would BOOM in this way - love all the colours and neat cut paper on view!
I love how you described it!
Is that a very fat roll of double sided tape of book binding tape? Love all the colours you have out on the desk, looks like you have been having a great time!
Still not a very big BOOM though LOL
Anne xx (no 57)
No sorry you can't call that untidy.... There is still place to work and it all looks very creative
love the *boom* looks like you've been busy having fun :0)
Hahaaa sådär ser det ut hos mig med!!
Det är skaparglädjens sanna öga!
A fab creative desk! Joey.x
great desk thanks for the peek
Your desk looks pretty cool after going BOOM LOL Hels (52)
It all looks very creative and still not really that untidy. Lots of interesting this happening by the looks of things.
Thanks for sharing.
hugs Lisax
a great desk-love the hat pins in the corner and especially the stickles wooden holder-did you make that yourself?
Another person who likes their trimmer front and center! Looks like you're having fun. TFS
Linky #124
Lol, that's not a boom, that's a phut! Looks interesting though, plenty of activity! Helen (46)
well a girl has to cut loose sometimes.....thanks for the snoop...hugs kath xxx
loving your busy space - thanks for sharing ;o)
HaHaHa! They all go BOOM at some point. Love that little image back there. ~jeni :) *106*
It looks like you have all the stuff out you need to create something terrific! Thanks for sharing.
Terry #127
Not too messy. Looks like you are just getting started. Happy WOYWW Linda #125
Looks very nice and creative if you ask me!
it's a very 'creative' space lol :D Looks like you've been having fun x
It's not really that messy...looks like you are just being your usual creative self :-)
Looks like it wouldn't take but a minute to tidy up! Glad you had fun :)
Katie (83)
LOL, same here! people always say my desk is tidy and I think about what it usually looks like and say 'really? huh!' I guess it always gets cleaned up by wednesday! lol. thanks for your visit!
Oh I'm so relieved to see a mess! Although it's only ten minutes away from being tidy again. Gorgeous paper on the left.
looks like you have been very creative babe :)
*hugs* Heather x
sorry late this week - loving your crafty space this week Love Liz
Gorgeous looking desk. You look in full swing! Enjoy the weekend. Gez.xx
Mummy(lade) that desk looks like a set up to me - where is the spilt Glue? the stray glitter? the half empty wine galss form last night - nope - you are just Slightly Less Organised No Where Near Messy Yet....
thank you for your kind comment
hmmm you have the makings of something good there! Sue K 126
You are just pretending to be messy... that's tidy by my scale! I wll say that it is creative and thumbs up for that!
Late snoop as just home from hols and my link didn't get there 1st time so now I'm 144!
JoZarty x
Be sure to get in on my blog candy
That's not messy; it's just action-desk! Looks as though you have been having a good time.
Tee hee.... Only a tiny "boom"!!!!!! You should see MY mess ...
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