Thank goodness for the laptop ;), I look like a caring mom in the sofa beside the feverish little poor thing but I am in fact surfing around in blog land.
I made two sentiments that might come in handy one of these days and of course I'm sharing them.

8 kommentarer:
Thank you for the lovely sentiments - one will come in handy today as I am making a birthday card! Hope the little one gets better soon!
These are lovely. Thanks so much for sharing and I hope your LO is feeling better soon. Lx
Av og til kan det jo være greit og sitte i sofakroken med laptop og gjøre ting man ellers ikke tar seg tid til.
Takk for disse to, kommer nok til å bruke dem ja.
Ønsker deg en flott helg.
Oh Helene,
these are fabulous sentiments hunni, TFS.
Dawn xx
Thank you so much for your kindness.
These are lovely sentiments, Thank you Helene, hope your daughter recovers quickly.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
Å så fina sentiments du gjort!
So good of you to share these lovely sentiments. Thank you. Elizabeth x
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