I thought I'd pop by and tell you why I've been MIA for a while.
The picture isn't me, it's my wee one who broke her leg last Sunday evening so we spent last week in the hospital operating in two metal pins in her leg.
It sucks of course since her summer holiday basically is ruined but her sweet dad decided that instead of buying her a new bike for her birthday on the 19th (well, yes, a bike as a present would have sucked bigtime!!) we got her a PS3 and the game Little Big Planet. So she's ok. =)
No pressure on the left foot for a couple of weeks so at least I get lots of exercise fetching stuff for her =)
But she is a right little trooper and the fact that she - since she was alone when it happened - had the sense to send me an sms and call 911 on her own, she made mummy very proud of her little hero =)