It's time for me to give away some bits and bobs.
There have been causes to celebrate in July (my daughter turning 18, 10 year anniversary with hubby, the sun has come out on occasions, I haven't broken a single bone...) but that's not the main reason.
I've had some thoughts about blog interactivity - such as paper swaps and such, but the question I have to ask myself first is; is anybody reading this?
I can't really flatter myself by looking at the hit

counter cause that bugger counts challenge check-ups and every time I go in myself to make sure a new post doesn't look like jibberish...
So, here goes;
The candy on the picture is up for grabs if you post a comment to this post before August 15. Please post about the candy on your own blog, if you have one, to spread the word. I won't ask you to follow my blog if you don't want to, trust me I'm already stunned and overwhelmed by the followers I actually have.